Global Pediatric Education Consortium

Training and Sustaining a Global Pediatric Workforce

The Global Assessment Toolbox
What is the Global Assessment Toolbox?
The Global Assessment Toolbox is a "work in progress"; it is being designed as a virtual repository of assessment tools and resources that can be used by the global community to improve the quality of training and accreditation. In the early stages of development, tools will be made available by the delegate organizations that comprise the GPEC Consortium. However, in later stages of the process, we anticipate creating new tools, item banks, assessment guides, and other resources that will provide uniform standards for assessment in global pediatrics.

Available Now:
As we build-out the Toolbox, we will make available quality resources from many of our Delegate Organizations.  Please contact us if you need any assistance.
I.  Assessment Resources (to assist in developing an assessment program):
This primer, provided by the American Board of Pediatrics, is an excellent tool for program directors who need assistance with understanding the various types of tools that can be used in the post-graduate setting.  Written in a very practical format with examples for applying to your local setting.  Available for FREE as a pdf or an eKindle version.  This link will take you to the ABP website for download.
This handbook provides educators with a quick, searchable way to find practical answers on how to assess the CanMEDS competencies.  However, the handbook is an invaluable tool for all educators to enhance their understanding for implementing a quality assessment program in their institution.  Available at for purchase ($25).
II.  Assessment Tools (download and use):
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has graciously provided a number of reliable and valid work-based assessments that can be downloaded and used in a paper-pencil format.  Instructions for administering and scoring are provided.  See more below or click here.

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health: First Contributors
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) is the first delegate organization to donate a number of assessment resources to the Toolbox. They have provided formative, work-based assessments that are currently in use in the UK and that have been well-validated in the pediatric inpatient and outpatient settings. This first collection of resources is available for download and use by any training facility, faculty member, government entity, and other assessment organizations in the pediatric community with permission from the RCPCH.
Click here or the RCPCH logo to access the RCPCH tools currently available.
New: 2014 research conducted on the RCPCH mini-CEX (see Medical Teacher, 36: 155-163)

Click for RCPCH Tools
IMPORTANT: It is important that any use of these tools be cited as used with permission from the RCPCH. We appreciate your willingness to provide this acknowledgement to our colleagues in the UK for their generosity in providing the global community with access to these high-quality assessment resources.

Spanish Association of Pediatrics
17 October 2013 
Madrid, Spain
The Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) today introduced "Continuum," a Continuing Education Portal created with the objective of helping Spanish-speaking health professionals to maintain and update their knowledge. The contents, divided into 39 subject areas, will respond to the more than 8,000 learning objectives that are contained in the Global Pediatric Curriculum developed by the Global Pediatric Education Consortium (GPEC).  Access to the Continuum website can be found at the following URL: